

Eye Care > Dyslexia

For centuries professionals have been querying the phenomenon of a scholar who may have normal sensory , perceptual ,cognitive and motor abilities, and yet have marked difficulties decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) the written language. Parents of these children recognise their children’s natural intelligence , but are puzzled as to why there is a problem with reading , writing and spelling. This paradoxical phenomenon is known as Dyslexia.

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) defines Dyslexia as a neurological-based , often hereditary disorder that interferes with the acquisition and processing of language. There are 7 types of reading Dyslexia which varies in degrees of severity. In addition , there are 2 types which  sometimes manifests as difficulties in Arithmetic (Dyscalculia) and handwriting  (Dysgraphia). It has no boundary as regards to geography , culture ,socioeconomic  status , language ,gender , or age.

  • Dyslexia affects 1 out of 5 children (20%)
  • Dyslexia affects approximately the same number of boys as it does girls.
  • Dyslexia is the leading cause of reading failure and school dropouts.

Key features of people with Dyslexia :

  • Feels dumb, has poor self-esteem and confidence.
  • Becomes easily frustrated and emotional about school and uses avoidance tactics.
  • Often confuses left/right , over/under , etc
  • Reads or writes with additions , omissions , substitutions , reversals of letters.
  • Poor spelling and phonics
  • Average or above-average intelligence

More details can be found on the Dyslexia Academy website : www.sgda.co.za